Seymour Kneitel
1908 - 19643-D Rarities
Izzy Sparber, Phil Tucker
Daws Butler, Stan Freberg
Selections include Kelley's Plasticon Pictures, the earliest extant 3-D demonstration film from 1922 with incredible footage of Washington and New York City; New Dimensions, the first domestic full color 3-D film originally shown at the World’s Fair in 1940; Thrills for You, a promotional film for the Pennsylvania Railroad; Stardust in Your Eyes, a hilarious standup routine by Slick Slavin; trailer for The Maze, with fantastic production design by William Cameron Menzies; Doom Town, a controversial anti-atomic testing film mysteriously pulled from release; puppet cartoon The Adventures of Sam Space, presented in widescreen; I’ll Sell My Shirt, a burlesque comedy unseen in 3-D for over 60 years; Boo Moon, an excellent example of color stereoscopic animation…and more!
3-D Rarities

Abner the Baseball
Seymour Kneitel
We meet Abner propped upon a pillow in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. With an annoyingly twee voice emerging from his anthropomorphised face, Abner reveals the events leading up to his arrival in this hallowed hall. It seems that Abner is the baseball that got whacked by Mickey Mantle for a home run against the Detroit Tigers, on 10 September 1960 ... sailing for an astonishing 634 feet (193 metres).
Abner the Baseball

The Enchanted Square
Seymour Kneitel
Police Officer Flanagan gives a little blind girl, Billie, a Raggety-Ann doll, and she is told she can see it if she uses her imagination; she does so and the slum neighborhood is transformed into an enchanted fairyland, alive with beautiful colors and music.
The Enchanted Square

The Seapreme Court
Tom Golden, Seymour Kneitel
Jackson Beck, Jack Mercer
Little Audrey, while fishing, falls to the bottom of the sea, where she encounters all types of sea-life and then is arrested by the local fish-constable. She is tried by a jury of sardines who find her guilty, and she is sentenced to the 'eelectric chair." She makes an escape attempt, and wakes up to find it has all been a dream. She has a nibble on her fishing line and reels in a small fish, which she quickly returns to the water.
The Seapreme Court

Me Musical Nephews
Seymour Kneitel
Jack Mercer
Popeye's nephews have been practicing their music and are getting good, but it's bedtime. After Popeye puts them to bed, they discover that many of the things in their bedroom can also be used to make music. And they are also blessed with an uncanny ability to appear to sleep every time Popeye comes to check on them.
Me Musical Nephews

La Petite Parade
Seymour Kneitel
A French shopkeeper's life is disrupted by a daily parade. The parade consists of "ze king, ze premier, all ze lords and ministers, army, navy, department sanitaire." When the "department sanitaire" hits a pothole, all the garbage gets dumped onto the street in front of his store.
La Petite Parade

Cartoons Ain't Human
Orestes Calpini, Seymour Kneitel
Margie Hines, Jack Mercer
Popeye sits down to make a cartoon. He shows the results to Olive and his nephews: it's a damsel-in-distress scenario, starring him and Olive, with live music and sound effects by Popeye.
Cartoons Ain't Human