Leonid Amalrik
1905 - 1997Советская мультипликационная пропаганда
Anatoliy Karanovich, Youry Merkulov
Joan Borsten, Richard Harrison
A landmark four disc Box Set - Unearthed from Moscow's legendary Soyuzmultfilm Studios, the 41 films in ANIMATED SOVIET PROPAGANDA span sixty years of Soviet history (1924 - 1984), and have never been available before in the U.S.
Animated Soviet Propaganda

Vladimir Polkovnikov, Leonid Amalrik
In winter, in an unequal battle with the Wolf, the mother of a puppy named Krepysh dies. Poor, half-frozen orphan Krepysh is sheltered by Zaychikha. The whole winter was spent by the puppy in the family of rabbits, bravely defending his new friends from forest predators.
The Robust

Непьющий воробей
Leonid Amalrik
Sparrow was invited to a banquet. He came and at first tried to drink only soda. The neighbor noticed this and was indignant. Tamada poured a glass for sparrow and made him drink, then poured more and more. Then the guests began to sing, dance, and all ended by beating dishes. Absolutely drunk sparrow was getting home staggering and with loud singing, than woke up all the neighbors. He smashed to bits someone's nestling and fell. Sparrow was summoned to the public court, where former guests accused him of all sins.
A Sober Sparrow

Leonid Amalrik
Aleksei Gribov, Yuri Khrzhanovsky
On the eve of the New Year, several children write a letter to Father Frost asking him to send them a Christmas tree for the holiday, and then they make a Snowman who should take the letter to the magic forest. When midnight arrives, under the beat of a clock, the Snowman comes to life and, together with a small yard puppy, nicknamed Druzhok, sets off in search of Father Frost.
The Snow Postman

Про бегемота, который боялся прививок
Leonid Amalrik
Mikhail Yanshin, Georgi Millyar
Fabulous animals bathed, rested and had fun on the summer beach of the southern town. Suddenly, the rest was interrupted by an urgent message on a hanging poster: "Everyone needs to vaccinate vaccinations from elephant to fly!". However, all the animals, having read the message, as if nothing had happened, began to rest, dance and sunbathe again. And only Behemoth, worried, began to ask everyone how scary and painful it was to vaccinate.
About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations

Три дровосека
Leonid Amalrik
Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoe look for firewood. Bubble doesn’t want to work but when, on their way back he shifts the share of firewood on the shoulders of the Bast Shoe, he gets in a trouble – the wind blows him off. After some adventures Bubble is rescued and reforms.
Three Woodcutters

Стрела улетает в сказку
Leonid Amalrik
На авиамодельных состязаниях модель Стрела, пролетев рекордное расстояние, опускается в заповеднике Сказка. Пионер Вова, чья модель заняла второе место, отстал от товарищей в лесу. Мальчуган хитрит: если Стрела не будет найдена, то он получит первое место.
An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale

Семейная хроника
Leonid Amalrik
The cat and the pussy-cat met on the roof, near the chimney. They liked each other and decided to get married. Guests and neighbors gathered for the wedding. The photographer made a wedding portrait in a frame. Gifts, congratulations, songs and dances. The generous and cheerful feast is over. Family everyday life came, and with it the first misunderstandings, quarrels and resentments.
Family Chronicle