Ivan Aksenchuk
1918 - 1999Русалочка
Ivan Aksenchuk
Nina Gulyayeva, Viktoriya Ivanova
Rusalochka opens in modern day Copenhagen, Denmark. Several tourists gather around the capital's famous mermaid statue, as a tour guide explains its significance. A fish in the water below the tourists scoffs at their foolishness, and then, proceeds to tell about the doomed love of the mermaid. Upon reaching her 15th birthday, the Little Mermaid is allowed to swim up to the surface above. As soon as she does, however, the Mermaid spots a young prince caught up in a dreadful storm. She admires the man's bravery and decides to save him, declaring that, "The beautiful and the brave should not perish." After the mermaid returns to the ocean, she decides that she wants to become human.
The Little Mermaid

Ilya Muromets, prolog
Ivan Aksenchuk
In the city of Murom lived Ivan and Efrosinya, a husband and a wife. They had a son, Ilya. For nearly thirty years he suffered from an illness - he could not move his arms or legs. The war began. Three old men passing by the house, looking for soldiers, cured Ilya and rewarded him with bogatyr force. In gratitude to them, Ilya of Murom went to war.
Ilya Muromets, prolog

Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник
Ivan Aksenchuk
Yuri Volyntsev, Pyotr Vishnyakov
This is the second story from a series of adventures of the brave warrior Ilya of Murom. This time he is moving towards the city of Kiev and on the way accomplishes his great and small feats. Arriving at the gates of Chernigov city, Illya discovers that black vorogs are circling around the city. Having settled with them, Ilya Muromets meets the locals, who offer him the honorary position of governor. But the hero refuses the offer, because he needs to move towards Kiev and fight with evil spirits.
Ilya Muromets and Highwayman Nightingale

Ореховый прутик
Ivan Aksenchuk
Gennadiy Dudnik, Yuliya Feoktistova
The girl Mariuka goes in search of her brother Grigorash - he was carried away by the evil sorceress Kloantsa. On the way, the girl helps the Walnut Bush and the Giant. The bush gives her a magic tree twig...
A Hazel Tree Twig

Gore ne beda
Ivan Aksenchuk
A soldier served a long time service. He took as a reward an old drum and went where his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time, and went to the hut, and in it the small girl was crying. The soldier asks: "What are you crying, little?" Girl: "It is terrible - I am an orphan, uncle, alone I suffer from a fierce witch who has destroyed my parents. And the servants of the king took my cow and goat." The girl fell asleep. And then behind her appeared the evil witch. But the soldier was not taken aback, he tied up a sorceress and put her in a bag.
Gore ne beda

Молодильные яблоки
Ivan Aksenchuk
Anatoli Papanov, Georgi Millyar
Крестьянин посылает своих сыновей на поиски молодильных яблок. Старшие сыновья отправляются в кабак, а младший при помощи Серого Волка, добывает яблоки для отца и женится на красавице Синеглазке.
Молодильные яблоки

Ворона и лисица кукушка и петух
Ivan Aksenchuk
Мультфильм создан по мотивам двух знаменитых басен Крылова. Как известно все басни Крылова обладают глубокой моралью и могут многому научить подрастающее поколение. Красочные и очень правдоподобные рисунки радую глаз любого зрителя, а герои озвучены добрыми голосами, что придает мультфильму комфортность.
The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster

Sladkiy rodnik
Ivan Aksenchuk
The donkey descends from the mountains to the spring, picks up two large jugs of water drop by drop and carries them to the aul to distribute sweet water to everyone who needs it. But his greedy neighbor, the boar, does not allow him to pass, claiming that the path is his, because he passes near his gate. A boar drinks one jug and pours a second one, and the inhabitants of the aul - a rooster, a sheep and a bull-calf - get only drops.
Sladkiy rodnik

На лесной эстраде
Ivan Aksenchuk
The animated film was created based on the fables of Sergey Mikhalkov "Cautious birds" and "Hare in the hops." Drake with his assistants arranges a performance on the forest stage for animals. He tells fables about forest dwellers from the stage.
On the Forest Stage

Zhili-byli ded i baba
Ivan Aksenchuk
Once upon a time, there were old man and old woman. In the distant past, they lived in a house with their two children. However, after the kids matured, they certainly moved from the village to the city. Thus, the elderly husband and wife were left alone in their home. One of the usual days children and grandchildren unexpectedly come to them. At first sight it seems like a happy event.
Zhili-byli ded i baba