Hugo del Carril
1912 - 1989La Novela de un Joven Pobre
Luis Bayón Herrera
Hugo del Carril, Amanda Ledesma
After losing all his fortune, a man assumes his poverty with dignity, confidence and effort. He faces all adversities and his nobility and perseverance make him succeed and be happy with the woman he loves.
La novela de un joven pobre

Los muchachos de antes no usaban gomina
Manuel Romero
Florencio Parravicini, Mecha Ortiz
A Young man from a wealthy family hide them his attraction for tango culture of arrabal. In a milonga he fell in love with Mirella and he have a knife fight with all others guapos that want her, he won. Time pass and Mirella became a mistress but this situation is unstable because of the society prejudices.
Los muchachos de antes no usaban gomina

Hugo del Carril
Hugo del Carril, Roberto Escalada
A criminal confronts the police by firing at them with a machine gun from the first floor of a villa on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and occasionally shooting down a policeman. The gunman has time to reflect, to load his gun, to run from one window to the other. Whoever leads the police notices the futility of his efforts and suspends the fire.

Tres anclados en París
Manuel Romero
Hugo del Carril, Enrique Serrano
Three Argentines who live in Paris and dream of returning to Buenos Aires but lack resources for the passage, find their opportunity when a landowner, a business man and his daughter arrive in Paris. In a game of rigged poker the three anchors obtain the money for the passages from the newcomers; it happens however that the employer has made an embezzlement and will go to jail if he does not return the money. The character represented by Parravicini, who is the true father of his adopted daughter, gives him the money won to solve his problem and the three remain in Paris to see them in an end with the best poetry of Romero crossing a bridge under the mist , silent, once again anchored but with the happy sadness of recovered self-esteem.
Tres anclados en París