Chava Cartas
2021Rock Marí
Chava Cartas
Marianne Guereña, Damián Núñez
An 11 year old girl who has just lost her mother is at the same time fighting to fulfill her greatest dream: to become a great singer and for her music to be heard by millions of people. Throughout this great adventure, Rock Mari is accompanied by her faithful squire Baqueta, as they travel together in search of her destiny.
Rock Marí
Home Office: Un especial de Mirreyes contra Godínez
Chava Cartas
Regina Blandón, Diana Bovio
Дон Франциско Кури погибает в автокатастрофе и его обувная фабрика остаётся в наследство сыну Сантьяго и совладельцу Хавьеру, который мечтает продать компанию. Великовозрастный обормот Сантьяго никогда не вникал в бизнес отца, но ему, его сестре Мишель, друзьям и команде молодого управляющего Генаро придётся объединиться, чтобы отстоять бизнес дона Франциско.
Yuppies versus Stooges: Home Office
Sexo, amor y otras perversiones 2
Chava Cartas, Fernando Sariñana
Miguel Pizarro, Anna Ciocchetti
The private, the forbidden and the obscene. Eight short stories to be moved, surprised and have fun. Three different views about relationships, love, sex; three directors will take you from comedy to drama and backford, from the story of an old lady with cancer having a love affair to the love between two teenagers who try to make love for the first time or to the burning desire of a cop who is bewitched by cupid.
Sexo, amor y otras perversiones 2