Norman Cohn
2021Reel Injun
Catherine Bainbridge, Neil Diamond
Adam Beach, Charlie Hill
The evolution of the depiction of Native Americans in film, from the silent era until today, featuring clips from hundreds of movies and candid interviews with famous directors, writers and actors, Native and non-Native: how their image on the screen transforms the way to understand their history and culture.
Reel Injun

The Journals of Knud Rasmussen
Carol Kunnuk, Zacharias Kunuk
Pakak Innuksuk, Leah Angutimarik
Based on the journal of Knud Rasmussen's "Great Sled Journey" of 1922 across arctic Canada. The film is shot from the perspective of the Inuit, showing their traditional beliefs and lifestyle. It tells the story of the last great Inuit shaman and his beautiful and headstrong daughter; the shaman must decide whether to accept the Christian religion that is converting the Inuit across Greenland.
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen