Richard Goldstone
1912 - 2007South Seas Adventure
Carl Dudley, Walter Thompson
Fred Bosch, Orson Welles
Cinerama takes you on a South Seas Adventure to tropical islands set like sparkling jewels in dreamy cerulean waters. Thrill to the lure of sunbrowned, luscious maidens and a paradise of coconut palms, coral strand and blue lagoons. Enchanted South Pacific archipelagos beckon with all the beauty and color of a painter’s palette. Stepping stones in the vast expanse of far-away seas, they promise romance, adventure, excitement—an irresistible blend of fascinating people and exotic places.
South Seas Adventure

No Man is an Island
John Monks Jr., Richard Goldstone
Jeffrey Hunter, Marshall Thompson
The true story of George Tweed, an American sailor who became the only serviceman on the island of Guam to avoid capture by the Japanese during the early years of World War II.
No Man Is an Island