Juan Andrés Bueno
2021Los caciques
Juan Andrés Bueno
Jorge Rivero, Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
A bad man holds the power of life and death over the inhabitants of a village... for no apparent reason... and he's fond of torturing them, tying them to crosses and leaving them to die. A cowboy with necromantic powers comes along and leads a rebellion to overthrow that reign of terror.
Los Caciques

Apasionado Pancho Villa
Lourdes Deschamps, Juan Andrés Bueno
Alejandro Navarrete, Gabriela Canudas
The assassination of Pancho Villa, on the outskirts of Parral, Chihuahua, plunged the city into mourning, and a wake for the revolutionary hero was held by his closest collaborators. Conspicuous among the mourners were the four women with whom Villa was having intimate relationships at the time of his death. Now that Villa is no longer around to mediate and keep them apart, tensions between the women grow and intensify, with unexpected consequences. An intimate and human portrait of the Centaur of the North.
Amorous Pancho Villa

Juan Andrés Bueno
Braulio Castillo, Adalberto Rodríguez Machuchal
René and some gunmen take control of an island. His former girlfriend Isabel visits him, but notices he has subjugated his partner. Realizing his cruelty, she tries to run away, but is captured and imprisoned.