William Parke
2021Prudence, the Pirate
William Parke
Gladys Hulette, Flora Finch
To her aunt's dismay, Prudence isn't interested in society life. She'd rather listen to the butler's tall tales of being a pirate. Nixed from a boat trip, she rents a schooner, recruits a crew and raises the jolly roger.
Prudence the Pirate

The Shine Girl
William Parke
Gladys Hulette, Wayne Arey
An optimistic girl survives city life as a shoe shine till she ends up in children's court. Just as she helps her geranium, Sally, to grow, a kindly judge sees her potential and takes her to his mother's country home to flourish.
The Shine Girl

The Yellow Ticket
William Parke
Fannie Ward, Milton Sills
Anna Mirrel, a young Jewish girl in Czarist Russia, is forced to degrade herself in order to visit her father, whom she believes to be ill. She obtains a yellow passport, signifying that she is a prostitute.
The Yellow Ticket

The Mystery of the Double Cross
William Parke, Louis J. Gasnier
Mollie King, Léon Bary
Originally written for Pearl White, this silent serial is a great action-packed adventure starring Molly King and Leon Bary. This serial had fifteen chapters, each one two reels in length. The chapters were: 1. The Lady in Number '7' 2. The Masked Stranger 3. An Hour to Live 4. Kidnapped 5. The Life Current 6. The Dead Come Back 7. Into Thin Air 8. The Stranger Disposes 9. When Jail Birds Fly 10. The Hole-in-the-Wall 11. Love's Sacrifice 12. Riddle of the Double Cross 13. The Face of the Stranger 14. The Hidden Brand 15. Mystery of the Double Cross.
The Mystery of the Double Cross