Gustav von Wangenheim
1895 - 1975Gustav von Wangenheim (February 18, 1895 – August 5, 1975) was a German actor, screenwriter and director.
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Gefährliche Fracht
Gustav von Wangenheim
Willy A. Kleinau, Wilhelm Koch-Hooge
Американские военные приготовления целиком сконцентрированы в Западной Европе. В результате чего происходят постоянные поставки оружия западноевропейским странам. В одном из маленьких французских портовых городов корабль "Чикаго" с американским флагом не разгружается. У него на борту находится опасный груз-напалмовые бомбы. Французские докеры бастовали 3 месяца. Это была ожесточённая борьба, но они победили. Теперь в американской главной квартире во Франкфурте-на-Майне решается вопрос в какой гавани "Чикаго" освободится от своего груза...
Gefährliche Fracht

Der Auftrag Höglers
Gustav von Wangenheim
Inge von Wangenheim, Fritz Tillmann
Хребет Луизен разделен не только рекой, но и границей зоны. Старый генеральный директор Хёглер по-прежнему проживает на западе, восточная часть экспроприирована и управляется главным инженером доктором Тельеном. Он работает над новым процессом производства стали, который абсолютно необходим Хёглеру. Средства Хёглера для достижения своей цели — взяточничество, шпионаж и клевета. Член профсоюза Мария Штайниц чуть не становится жертвой клеветы. Тем не менее, интрига разоблачена и преступные намерения Хёглера сорваны. На большом производственном собрании старый народный контролер Хуфленд разоблачает истинных виновных. Мария и Фриц Роттманн, профсоюзный деятель из Мюнхена, которые знают друг друга со времен антифашистского сопротивления, заключают объятия.
Der Auftrag Höglers

F.W. Murnau
Max Schreck, Gustav von Wangenheim
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger

Hans Behrendt
Fritz Kortner, Lucie Mannheim
This pre-WW II German costume drama chronicles the French Revolution with a particular focus upon Danton, Robespierre, and Marat. It depicts the dramatic downfall and execution of Georges Danton in 1794 at the hands of Maximilien Robespierre. The film also presents an interesting, if not historically inaccurate, portrayal of Louis XVI.

Schatten – Eine nächtliche Halluzination
Arthur Robison
Alexander Granach, Fritz Kortner
During a dinner given by a wealthy baron and his wife, attended by four of her suitors in a 19th century German manor, a shadow-player rescues the marriage by giving all the guests a vision what might happen tonight if the baron stays jealous and the suitors do not reduce their advances towards his beautiful wife. Or was it a vision?
Warning Shadows

Die Liebestragödie des Homunculus
Otto Rippert
Aud Egede-Nissen, Olaf Fønss
The homunculus and his companion Edgar Rodin make an invention that would allow the hateful homunculus to destroy the world. But first he wants to find out about love. When he observes how young Anna is rejected by her parents, he takes care of her and asks her parents for forgiveness - without success. He brings her to her seducer, who also rejects the girl. The homunculus then takes revenge by ruining the man financially and throwing Anna at his feet. But she still loves the villain and asks Homunculus for mercy. The homunculus cannot understand this feeling of love - he wants to try it out on himself. He puts a young woman who loves him to the hardest test, but she will do anything for him, sacrificing her fiancé and her parents. Only when he reveals his artificial nature to her, she leaves him. This experience confirms the homunculus in his intention to destroy mankind.
The Love Tragedy of the Homunculus

Kohlhiesels Töchter
Ernst Lubitsch
Emil Jannings, Henny Porten
Somewhere in Southern Bavaria Xaver wants to marry Gretel, but her father Kohlhiesel wants his elder daughter Liesel to marry first. The problem is, nobody wants to marry her, because she is too brutal. Seppel suggests, that he should marry Liesel first, get rid of her and then he can marry Gretel...
Kohlhiesel's Daughters

Der steinerne Reiter
Fritz Wendhausen
Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Lucie Mannheim
In a distant Teutonic village, people dance and drink merrily celebrating a wedding feast. However, an elderly man tells the villagers that the valley where they live wasn't always happy but sorrowful. This was due to the tyranny of the master of the mountains who ruled the valley despotically.
The Stone Rider