Igor Talankin
1927 - 2010Introduction to Life
Igor Talankin
Mariya Andrianova, Boris Tokarev
A boy from Leningrad has his world turned upside down by his parent's separation and World War II. He leaves town amidst the fighting and returns to find a friend in his step-brother. The war is seen through the eyes of children and told in flashback form. The film was a special prize winner at the Venice Film Festival.
Introduction to Life

Отец Сергий
Igor Talankin
Sergey Bondarchuk, Valentina Titova
A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The main character of the film is Prince Stepan Kasatsky, an officer, an ardent, proud young man — a big fan of the tsar. Kasatsky is going to marry, but at the last moment he learns from the bride that she was the mistress of the emperor. The prince is deeply disappointed in social life, he takes a monastic vow and leaves the capital. Faith in God was to save the soul, but passions and worldly temptations don't leave Kasatsky.
Father Sergius

Igor Talankin, Дмитрий Таланкин
Andrey Rudensky, Петр Юрченков
По мотивам всемирно известного романа Ф. М. Достоевского, в основе которого подлинный исторический факт: убийство в Москве в 1869 году лидером «Народной расправы» студента, отошедшего от революционной деятельности. В центре сюжета — блестящий дворянин, любимец женщин Николай Ставрогин, вовлеченный в тайное общество…

Igor Talankin
Dariya Mikhaylova, Pyotr Fyodorov
Falling Star is based on three stories by the contemporary Russian writer Viktor Astafyev and centers on a young soldier on the front lines who is wounded and taken to the hospital. Once there, he muses about his childhood and a little girl he had loved - someone who could easily have grown up to be the nurse that is attending to him now. As he recuperates, he and the nurse fall in love and he very much wants to marry her. At this point, the nurse's mother comes for a visit and advises him against such an action because if they were to marry and he were subsequently killed or maimed in action - the fighting is still close to the hospital - the nurse would suffer much more than if he just left her alone. Now it is up to the soldier to make a decision one way or the other.
Falling Stars

Igor Talankin
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy, Antonina Shuranova
The film is dedicated to the great Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). It tells of the last twenty years of the great master’s life, of his friendship with Baroness von Meck, an outstanding woman of her time, who for many years was Tchaikovsky’s guardian angel. The film also includes retrospections of the composer’s childhood and adolescent years, with Tchaikovsky’s life poetically recounted against the background of fragments from his operas and ballets performed by the best Russian musicians.

Осень, Чертаново...
Igor Talankin
Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė, Irina Skobtseva
По мотивам повести «Ум лисицы» и других произведений Георгия Семенова. 1984 год. Писатель Федор страстно влюблен в молодую красивую женщину Марию, отвечающую ему взаимностью. Между тем, она замужем за физиком, которого, как она сама говорит, тоже любит и не может оставить. Сложный конфликт взаимоотношений главных героев заканчивается трагически.
Osen, Chertanovo...