Teiji Ito
1935 - 1982Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti
Maya Deren, Cherel Ito
John Genke, Joan Pape
This intimate ethnographic study of Voudoun dances and rituals was shot by Maya Deren during her years in Haiti (1947-1951); she never edited the footage, so this “finished” version was made by Teiji Ito and Cherel Ito after Deren’s death.
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti

Invocation: Maya Deren
Jo Ann Kaplan
Хелен Миррен, Maya Deren
Maya Deren is a legend of avant-garde cinema. This authoritative biography of the charismatic filmmaker, poet and anthropologist features excerpts from her pioneering Meshes of the Afternoon and her unfinished documentary on Haiti, interviews with Stan Brakhage and Jonas Mekas, and recordings of her lectures. Narrated by actress Helen Mirren, this definitive documentary offers startling insights into one of the most intriguing, accomplished figures in cinema history.
Invocation: Maya Deren