Aleksandr Medvedkin
1900 - 1989Le Train en marche
Chris Marker
Aleksandr Medvedkin, François Périer
This half-hour documentary focuses on Medvedkin and his CineTrain of the 1930s, a sort of mobile film workshop, complete with post-production facilities, animation stations and a large laboratory. Traveling thousands of miles across the Russian countryside, the train stopped to have its filmmakers document Ukranian harvest practices, steel production facilities in southern Russia and other industrial / agricultural matters; With each crew member living in 1 square meter living quarters, all individuals on the train were responsible for various odd-jobs and other practical matters in addition to their own film-making concerns.
The Train Rolls On

Мы ждем вас с победой
Aleksandr Medvedkin, Ilya Trauberg
B. I. Chirkov, L. N. Smirnova
The first of what became a popular genre of wartime 'film-concerts', consisting of eight musical numbers, strung together by a loose plot. It shows soldiers leaving their village for the front; in their absence, the desolate but resolute young women of the village assume responsibility for the business of the farm
We Await Your Victorious Return

Освобожденная земля
Aleksandr Medvedkin
Vasili Vanin, Emma Tsesarskaya
After the liberation of the Kuban by the Soviet Army troops, farmers return home and begin to restore the destroyed economy. Under the leadership of the young chairman, Nadiezdha Pritulyak, growers are working with great enthusiasm.
Liberated Earth

Bespokoinaia vesna
Aleksandr Medvedkin, S. S. Gruzo
S. S. Gruzo, Rimma Shorokhova
A comedy about Krushchev's 'Virgin Lands' project, to transform the barren and inhospitable spaces of the vast Soviet Union into fertile agricultural plains. A classically Socialist-Realist narrative of an individual's 're-education'. Zhenia, a hapless idler, arrives with a band of enthusiastic young Konsomol members to build a new town in the steppe. Although his dream, like that of all the young participants, is 'to become a tractor driver and a hero', he isn't prepared to work for the honour.
An Unquiet Spring

Беспокойная весна
Aleksandr Medvedkin
Sergei Gurzo, Idris Nogajbayev
Группа комсомольцев основала на целинных землях Казахстана совхоз «Май-Балык». Среди юношей и девушек, будущих хлеборобов, выделяется легкомысленный, франтоватый парень Женька Омега. В первые же дни пребывания на целине Женька совершает ряд «подвигов»: меняет резиновые сапоги на гитару, пытается увильнуть от работы, уходит с курсов трактористов. Руководство совхоза и товарищи понимают, что Омеге нельзя доверить трактор, и, несмотря на возмущение паренька, его назначают водовозом. Идёт время. Омега, ставший желанным гостем во всех бригадах, начинает проникаться уважением к своей новой профессии. Вскоре юноше приходится пройти через новое испытание: любимая им девушка Ольга отдаёт свое сердце молодому трактористу, казаху Идрису…
Беспокойная весна

Кинопоезд: Пустое место
Aleksandr Medvedkin
The eleven films that survived from the series of films shot, edited, and shown from three custom railway cars travelling throughout the Soviet Union from 1932 to 1935. A project by Alexandr Medvedkin, though he isn't mentioned in the titles. The cars were full of film prints, editing tables, actors. Films were made in one day: edited at night and the next day shown to the people who participated in it.
Kinopoezd - Cinetrain